AM HELLBERG MOBERG independent multilingual writer Continue Reading
AM HELLBERG MOBERG independent multilingual writer Continue Reading
Dear Network, Hope you’re keeping well and apologies for the longer than usual break between newsletters. Domestic, rather than creative, pursuits have taken over my life these first few months of 2022, in the form of a new kitchen for my home in London. Also I must confess that I’m sometimes finding it hard to… Continue reading
Dear Network, Hope you are keeping well in your various corners of the world. Here in London, a very busy summer is creeping into autumn and it’s high time to send you my latest news, as well as highlighting my first photography exhibition in the United Kingdom. Over the summer I participated in several live storytelling events,… Continue reading
Dear network, Hope you’re all keeping well and having a good summer (or winter, if you find yourself “down south”). It’s been a busy few months for me, hence the lack of news updates, but here’s a short summary of the spring and summer thus far. My latest book, Wayward Wanderings, is still winging its… Continue reading
Dear network, Hope you’re keeping well and, if you’re in the northern hemisphere, hope you’re also enjoying spring. Here in the UK, spring’s been off to a slow start – we even had some snow this month – but the days are now a little longer and a little lighter. It’s been a busy few… Continue reading
Dear Network, Nearly spring is possibly a misnomer, given that it’s been snowing solidly here in London for well over 24 hours. The Swede in me rejoices, while my more Latin American side is slightly nonplussed. It’s been a good long while again, since I last “penned” a newsletter. I hope you’re all keeping well… Continue reading
I’d say the first 40-odd years of my life, I was far too busy shooting the messenger to ever fully grasp the message, whatever it might have been. Don’t get me wrong – I’m hardly the only one. I’ve met plenty of people of varying ages and genders who seemed intent on wasting ammunition until… Continue reading
Dear Network, Hope you are all managing to keep well, wherever you are. You might have noticed that my newsletters have been getting fewer and further between. Again, this is because I wanted to wait until I had some good news and, in a year like 2020, that’s taken some time. Personally, I feel… Continue reading
Dear network, summer here in the northern hemisphere seems to have come to an abrupt halt and autumn is already looming around the corner – it’s high time to share my fiction news with you, in other words. This summer had a genuine “blink-and-you-miss-it factor”, I feel, perhaps because life has been so much altered… Continue reading
Fiction newsletter 006 Dear network, hope you’re all doing as ok as possible in these continually challenging times. Apologies for this long silence – in part it’s been due to a slight lack of creative vibe and in part I wanted to wait until I had some actual news to share with you all.… Continue reading
website © AM Hellberg Moberg 2024 All photography © Anna Maria Espsäter 2024 Cookie policy | Privacy policy Admin login | Webmail Design: AERTA UK Continue Reading